

growth marketer living in NYC with an unhealthy obsession of cold brew
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Highlights of Unity's 2023 Gaming Report

April 09
Today I learned that Unity does an annual gaming report of gaming industry trends and insights from game studios. It was a great weekend read and I recommend giving it look even if you donā€™t work at a gaming company/studio. Iā€™ll be going into the main things that stood out to me as I was reading it. You can find the full report on Unityā€™s website here.
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Goodbye 2022, Hello 30s

December 28
I couldnā€™t have summed up my 2022 better than Taylor Swift did. The TLDR was that I was turning 30 this year and I experienced a quarter-life crisis during the first half of the year. I wonā€™t get into too much details here but hereā€™s the gist of it:
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An Unexpected Journey Down The Web3 Rabbit Hole

August 16
The very first time I ever heard of bitcoin was back in college, around 2014. My priority was getting a summer internship and I was too focused on starting my career to start looking into it.
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Artificial Scarcity Will Hurt The Future Of The Metaverse

August 07
Artificial Scarcity Will Hurt The Future Of The Metaverse